Video Games and Mental Health Explained

Video Games and Mental Health Explained


It’s no secret that online video gaming is an ever-expanding industry that has grown in leaps and bounds since its inception. From MMORPGs to strategy and puzzle games, the worlds of virtual reality can offer a world of possibilities to players of all ages and experience.

But what about the impact of video games on our mental health? This is a hotly debated topic with arguments both for and against their consequences. While some may argue that gaming causes depression, anxiety or even violent behavior, there are also proponents who claim it provides social connections, boosts self-confidence and allows players to explore their creativity by developing landscapes, characters or stories from various genres.

In this guide, we’ll be examining the evidence between video game usage and potential effects on our mental health including:

  • How playing can potentially help those suffering from depression, stress or anger management issues;
  • Potential risks associated with extended gameplay hours;
  • Tips on monitoring your game time in order to ensure you stay mentally healthy throughout your gaming journey.

The Benefits of Playing Video Games

Video games have become more and more popular over the recent years, and it’s easy to see why. Video games can offer a sense of escapism, helping players to relax and unwind. Additionally, they can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family, as many popular video games offer online multiplayer options.

Research has also found that there are some potential mental health benefits of playing video games such as improved cognitive functioning, better problem-solving skills, and improved emotional wellbeing. In this article, we’ll discuss the various mental health benefits of playing video games.

Improved Cognitive Abilities

Playing video games has been found to have several psychological and cognitive benefits. Recent research shows that gaming can improve cognitive abilities in children and adults, including attention span, problem-solving skills, memory formation, creativity and mental flexibility.

Studies on both children and adults have found improved cognitive abilities as a result of playing video games. A 2019 study of over 11,000 participants found that those who played action video games showed increased levels of problem solving skills compared to those who did not. The same study revealed participants had higher levels of working memory after playing action video games. Other studies have also shown increased visual-motor coordination, spatial awareness and accuracy in perception among gamers.

It has been suggested that the improvements in spatial processing speed resulting from playing video games may be partially due to the real-time simulation of virtual environments offered by certain types of game genres. This is especially true for puzzle type games in which players must make rapid decisions about their location within the game world or must complete tasks before time runs out. This can yield improved cognitive benefits like longer attention spans, decision making skills and recall capabilities over time – particularly with extended play sessions or when multiple gaming genres are used simultaneously.

Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills

Playing video games can potentially help individuals with enhanced problem-solving skills, which are important to use in the dynamic and ever-changing world today. People who play video games can help improve their cognitive abilities to handle novel information and unfamiliar circumstances they may encounter. For example, situational puzzles and logical decision making tests have shown that gamers generally display better aptitude in utilizing each of the styles of problem solving than non-gamers.

Through learning the strategies and tactics used in video games, gamers are able to gain problem solving and decision making skills that can be useful in real life scenarios such as career opportunities or studying challenging topics.

In addition, action games such as first person shooters have also been found to aid players in their ability to think more quickly and efficiently by taking into account a larger range of variables than non-gamers when engaging with a variety of unique situations. This type of cognitive capacity could likely give gamers an advantage in the world when dealing with complex problems that require fast thought processes, especially when time is limited – like exams!

Improved Social Skills

Playing video games can have a positive effect on social skills, though it depends to some extent on the type of game being played. Many online and multiplayer video games require players to cooperate or chat in order to complete tasks or resolve conflicts; this requires understanding of social cues such as turn-taking and shared decision-making.

Participation in these virtual worlds also helps gamers gain confidence in their own abilities as they learn from constructive feedback from peers. Without judgement from others, gamers are more willing to practice taking risks, making mistakes and forgiving themselves for any forgetting newly learned skills. This often translates into real life scenarios as well, being able to remain calm and collected even when faced with an unforeseen problem.

In addition, many popular video games involve complex narratives that require players to make decisions that affect the outcome of their role playing character’s experience. Players take on the role of a character and have access to realistic scenarios that practice problem solving and decision making skills which are applicable outside of gaming boundaries. Understanding how various decisions can shape relationships with other characters introduces a new layer of social understanding – translating into improved real life interactions as well.

The Risks of Playing Video Games

With video games becoming increasingly popular, people are more aware of their potential effects on mental health. Studies have suggested that playing video games can lead to addiction, poor sleep habits, and an increase in aggressive behavior. Additionally, there are other factors to consider when looking at how video games may impact a person’s overall mental health.

In this article, we will take a look at the risks associated with playing video games:

Increased Stress Levels

Playing video games can increase stress levels, especially in those who are prone to anxiety or depression. As games become more immersive and difficult, they can cause a heightened sense of pressure that leads to an increase in cortisol, a main stress hormone in the body. This can lead to feelings of worry and frustration which can ultimately lead to further difficulties with mental health. Additionally, playing for extended periods of time at once increases fatigue and reduces self-care, adding more stress to the situation.

It’s important for gamers to be aware of how continued video game play may affect their mental health and take preventive steps such as moderating game use and scheduling breaks when needed. Regular physical activity is also seen as being beneficial for managing increased levels of stress, so making sure you engage in some form of exercise regularly is important for overall mental well-being when playing games. Lastly, it’s recommended that gamers practice positive self-talk and recognize their own achievements since positive reinforcement can help soften the impact of stress on the mind.


Playing video games, like any activity that encourages extended periods of focus and heightened emotions, can lead to addiction. Signs of gaming addiction may include spending more time playing than doing other activities; having difficulty controlling impulses to play; and turning to gaming as a stress-reliever or a way to cure emotional distress.

However, as with most things, moderation is key; while excessive gaming can be detrimental to mental health, some studies have found that there may be potential benefits associated with regular gaming. Consistent moderate use has been associated with improved problem-solving skills and the development of strategic thinking abilities for example. It has also been linked with an increase in creative thinking and the ability to develop creative solutions and insights.

Spending too much time on video games may lead to negative physical health outcomes such as increased blood pressure and insomnia due to the sustained periods of intense concentration required when engaged in a game. Playing for too long can also lead to wrist injury due to overuse – so considerable breaks are important!

It’s important for people who game heavily, or those close to them (family/friends) who are concerned about their mental well-being, seek professional help from an appropriate healthcare professional if they become worried that their playing habits are impacting their mental health unnecessarily negatively.

Social Isolation

Playing video games can lead to feelings of social isolation, as some individuals may begin to prioritize virtual social relationships over real-world ones. Experiences connected with gaming can be meaningful and emotionally fulfilling, but this may cause an individual to be less inclined to form strong relationships away from the device. Despite potential positive benefits from playing video games, spending too much time in virtual realms can result in negative impacts on mental health if social relationships are not nurtured.

Additionally, those who believe that their gaming skills outweigh their real-world capabilities often struggle with forming genuine and deep interpersonal connections. Unrealistic expectations due to living in a virtual world can lead to further detachment from reality and increased loneliness as one begins avoiding authentic human interactions. This type of behavior is often referred to as “Escapist Tendencies” and has been linked to serious issues such as depression or substance abuse.

While there is evidence that a small amount of game time each week could be beneficial for adult gamers, it is important for individuals playing online games too frequently or for those who are feeling isolated due to excessive gaming habits should seek help from a professional counselor or therapist familiar with treating mental health concerns related to gaming activities.


It’s important to remember that video games can be used as a positive tool in mental health. With proper moderation, gamers and non-gamers alike can use video games to promote relaxation, build confidence, minimize stress, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

While video games cannot stand alone as a treatment for serious mental health conditions like depression or anxiety, considered part of an overall treatment plan they can help alleviate symptoms and provide opportunities for self-expression. To ensure you’re making the best choices for your mental health, it’s wise to consult with a licensed therapist or psychiatrist if you’re experiencing any signs of depression or anxiety while gaming.

In conclusion, it’s possible to find ways to make video games work for you mentally and emotionally. Playing video games is one way to look after yourself, provided you set limit and remain mindful of any potential issues that may arise from too much time gaming. Above all else, enjoy! Video games offer us the opportunity to

  • explore different worlds with intriguing characters and stories
  • keep up with the latest news

both experiences are meant to bring us joy!

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